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Online Copywriting Tips To Make Money Instantly

Written By Idea Sharing on Tuesday | 3:36 pm

Online Copywriting Tips To Make Money Instantly

By Samuel Ramirez

Wouldn't it be nice to sell any product, write a good sales letter and make money over and over? Yeah, well, a lot of people are trying to achieve this, but to no avail because they are missing the key components to writing a good copywriting sales letter. Here are some basic copywriting tips to sale your product-

Sale a unique product - There is a lot of competition online, and this can hurt your profit potential. In business school I was taught the higher the demand, the higher the earning potential, but this notion is starting to change. The higher the demand, the more money you will have to pay to get your product noticed, i.e. advertising, marketing tools, etc. If other people are selling a guide about selling your home in a bad market, write a guide about selling your home online. If other people are selling e-books about how to make money online, sell an e-book about working online as a typist. Do you get my drift? Find a specific market and target it.

Make a good copywriting sales letter - Now we are getting to the meat and the potatoes of your profiting potential. A good sales letter can make almost anyone buy your product! Here is what makes the components of a good sales letter:

A good story headline - Tell a thought provoking story in the beginning of your sales letter. This is to connect with the reader. Make sure to pick something that the reader can relate to. For example; if you are selling a guide on how to sell your home in a bad market;

"I was so stressed out when I tried to sell my home. We wasted tons of time on real estate agents that could not produce any results. The bills were racking up and we could not keep up with the payments?" Do you see how a person might be able to relate to this?

Offer free bonuses - Everyone likes something free. The trick is choosing a product that has substance to it and value. Do not lose the sale by offering free bonuses that has nothing to do with your product. For example; do not offer guide on how to make money online when you are selling an e-book on selling your home in a bad market. In other words, keep it relevant. Online Copywriting Tips to Make Money Instantly.


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