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Cordoba (Argentina)

Written By Idea Sharing on Friday | 12:24 pm

Córdoba is the second largest city in Argentina, with about 1.4 million inhabitants, and is the capital of the Cordoba province. It is in the heart of the Argentine territory on the Pampas. The city is surrounded by valleys, formed up by three main mountain groups. It is known for the colonial buildings in the center as well as for the beautiful hills in the surroundings.

Córdoba was founded in 1573 and for a long time it was the largest and most important town in the region that today is Argentina. In 1776 Buenos Aires was declared capital of the Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Córdoba's university was founded as early as 1613 by the Jesuits. The Catholic Church had much influence on social life until 1900, and Córdoba sometimes was called "Argentina’s Rome". In 1918 a student revolution, the Reforma Universitaria, led to a modernization of the university, which until this time had been very conservative and was full of corruption. This revolution spread to all cities of Argentina and most of Latin America.

In the 1950s the city was industrialized by the Perón and Frondizi governments. Today, Córdoba is Argentina's second technology hub behind Buenos Aires and leads above-all in motor industry and in high-tech sectors like software and electronics.


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